
Forest bioeconomy links the whole forest value chain: from management of forest resources in a sustainable manner to the delivery of products and services with higher added value. It is becoming one of the guiding paradigms for the forest-based sector. However, this topic is not sufficiently present in vocational and educational training (VET) programmes offered by forestry related VET providers. At least, not in the VET programmes of the project countries- Austria, Croatia and Slovenia. Hence, this project offers a unique forest bioeconomy curriculum and e-course, which will be in line with the policy priorities defined in the EU strategies.

The project objectives are:

  1. To increase the knowledge and provide key competences in forest bioeconomy to forestry related professionals.
  2. To increase current base of VET programmes in partner countries with innovative and comprehensive forest bioeconomy training programme.

This project will result in two multilingual intellectual outputs  (1) the curriculum and  (2) the e-course on forest bioeconomy. The results will be freely available in English, Croatian, German and Slovenian languages. The curriculum will provide basis for quality learning for projects target groups, while e-course will ensure comprehensive knowledge and key competences in forest bioeconomy for wider forest bioeconomy stakeholders. The training programme will be publicly available on the project’s web page and LMS. Our primary target groups are forestry and wood processing professionals, but also other forest related professionals (pharmaceutical industry, medicine, food industry), regional and local governments’ (economy departments), VET providers, such as chambers of commerce, chambers of entrepreneurs and chambers of forestry and wood processing engineers and project partners.

With newly acquired key competences on forest bioeconomy the project target groups will increase capacities and knowledge on how to implement complete forest value chain and produce value-added products. This would contribute to strengthening of the economy in partner countries and the EU economy as well.


Project title

Innovative VET for key competences in the emerging field of forest bioeconomy (VET4BioECONOMY)





The awarded grant:

196.378,00 EUR


Project manager:

Dijana Vuletić, PhD, Croatian Forest Research Institute





Contracting authority:

Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes